How to make free printable letter stencils

Things You’ll Need:

  • Photo shop software
  • acetate paper
  • tape
  • stencil brush
  • sponge

Use a Photo shop type of software program to personally design your own letter stencils or find free printable ones from many sources online.

Use the photo imaging software to enlarge, minimize, or create bubble letter designs to your liking.

Print out your finished letter stencil patterns and set them aside.

Use acetate paper to trace your letters on removing the necessary open areas. Leave a 3 inch border around your pattern to allow for design stability.

Tape your acetate pattern to whatever your are creating your stencil on and apply small amounts of paint to the open areas of the stencil. Apply your color slowly and blot deliberately with your stencil brush or sponge to avoid getting a bubble in your paint.

Let your patterns dry and then slowly remove them from their surface. Now you have created your own free alphabet designs for borders, art, or to enhance furniture using your printable letter stencils.

Net-sense Tips:

  • Use your Photoshop tutorials to help you learn how to design your own letter stencils.
  • Be sure to copyright and designs that are your own.
  • Use online resources for ideas of alphabet types or designs and applications for your free printable letter stencils.

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